Concepts of Physics 


The Concepts of Physics curriculum uses a combination of  inquiry-based learning and problem solving learning  to understand the basic laws that govern the universe.  Students engage in a unique learning experience designed to develop their fundamental scientific skills, quantitative skills, and communication skills.  Classes incorporate laboratory experiments, classroom discussions,  and projects as well as traditional lectures and hands-on activities.  This course enables students to develop fundamental scientific skills, quantitative skills, and communication skills.  Students will manipulate materials and solve problems to demonstrate an understanding of how physical laws and principles are applied to "real world processes.  Students will be encouraged to ask "why and how" questions to obsereved phenomena.  Asking questions and exploring permits students to develop their investigative skills while furthering their scientific understanding.  Students will work both independently and cooperatively to develop confidence and motivation to succeed personally and academically.  

 Students are graded for class participation so being in attendance as an engaged student is a must.  Projects will be done on a quarterly basis - one major project per marking period.  Students will also be assessed through quizzes and unit tests.  

My main objective in teaching this class is to provide students a better understanding of  the world around them.  

Student Responsibilities

 All students are expected to come to class prepared to learn and work to their highest potential.  Everyone in class must respect themselves, each other, and class materials.  This involves respecting student work time (working quietly and diligently), following instructions, and contributing to discussions and activities.   Water is allowed, however, food is not permitted.  Electronic devices may be used only with teacher permission.

Teacher Responsibilities

Grading:  Grading is done on a total point basis (assignments are not weighted per se) however, assessments, labs, and projects are typically given a higher point value.